Biochemical Engineering: Principles and Concepts - Softcover

9788120329751: Biochemical Engineering: Principles and Concepts

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This book introduces in a clear and concise manner the basic concepts and principles of biochemical engineering. It covers the curriculum for a first-course in biochemical engineering at the undergraduate level of the chemical engineering discipline.The book first presents the essential basics of microbiology and biochemistry, before moving on to explore the significance of enzymes, their properties, types, kinetics, industrial applications and the methods of their immobilization. It also explains cell growth and their kinetic aspects and discusses various types of biological reactors with emphasis on key engineering practices related to bioreactor design and operation. Finally, it gives a clear description of various aspects of controlling microorganisms in addition to downstream processing. Besides, the text covers in the appendices some important topics such as process kinetics and reactor analysis, bioenergetics and environmental microbiology to illustrate their relevance in biochemical engineering.This text provides a summary at the end of each chapter, highlighting the important concepts introduced.

It offers a number of end-of-chapter exercises to reinforce students' understanding of the subject. It includes a glossary of important terms.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherPrentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd
  • Publication date2007
  • ISBN 10 8120329759
  • ISBN 13 9788120329751
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Number of pages296

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